In the game's storyline, further accidents expanded the radiation zone outward by a few kilometers, scaring the citizens in the surrounding countryside into abandoning the area. After the reactor went critical in 1986, it flooded the surrounding area with radiation. Stalker is a post-apocalyptic first-person-shooter set in the area around the Chernobyl nuclear reactor. Originally set to be released in 2003, the game has finally arrived on shelves. S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (referred to hereafter as simply Stalker, for our sanity's sake) from Ukrainian developer GSC Game World, is another one of those titles, having initially been announced as a title way back in 2001. The gaming world is no stranger to delays, with high-profile titles like Halo 2, Half-Life 2, and Duke Nukem Forever being delayed sometimes years beyond their original release dates.