re-number the entry block you just pasted as the next in the list (ie 151 )Ħ. scroll to the end of the list and copy / paste one of the entry blocks at the end. open the file called maps.txt which is found in fallout2\data\data ( if you unpacked it correctly.)Ĥ.
( The reason for deleting / renaming the patch000.dat is that it overrides the files in the data directory.
If you are using the official patch also, you need to unpack the patch000.dat after you unpack the master.dat and let it overwrite any files it wants, then re-name / delete the patch000.dat before doing the following. ( so you would end up with all files from the dat in their sub directories in. using datmanlite or other suitable utility. unpack the master.dat file to fallout2\data directory. put your map in the fallout2\data\maps directory ( editor should do it automatically but if it's not your map then put it here. First off you will need the city patch which removes the city limit.ġ.