and found in the Audacity wiki - ' Eliminating a Continuous High-Pitched Whistle-Like Noise from a Recording', a great little tutorial that helped me figure out what I needed to do. But after the comment and before I did the next panel I searched. but then when I came back wanted to get at least one of the panels out and didn't have time to track down the problem. The note prompted me to investigate further because I, too, had been rather annoyed to have this sound in the recording, especially because I had been recording directly from the conference room mixer! I heard it while there at the Internet Telephony conference, and tried tweaking the mixer a bit to see if I could drop out the buzz, but found no way to do so and had to conclude that it was originating somewhere in the audio equipment they were using. After I posted the 'Intro to VoIP Security panel podcast, I received a nice note from a listener suggesting that I try a high-pass or notch filter to remove the buzzing that in the podcast.